Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Surgery in Turkey

Chirurgie bariatrică în Turcia

What is Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric surgery, or bariatric surgery, is a medical field where diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea and many other diseases can be cured thanks to a single operation. It is the only method that has proven its effectiveness in providing long-term and permanent weight loss. The first criterion in patient selection for this treatment is Body Mass Index. According to scientific measures, obesity has limits. The two most commonly used measurements for obesity are; Body Mass Index and Waist Circumference measurement. According to BMI, people are considered to be underweight, normal weight, overweight and obese. According to the result, it is decided whether you are suitable for bariatric surgery.

Obesity patients, after bariatric surgical interventions; It is known that many risk factors related to obesity can be reduced if they make stable improvements in their lifestyles by placing healthy nutrition at the centers of their lives.

Types of Bariatric Surgery

There are three types of bariatric surgery operations that are widely applied all over the world. These are; gastric sleeve, gastric bypass and gastric balloon operations.

Gastric Sleeve

Sleeve Gastrectomy surgery is the surgical transformation of the stomach into a tube (tube). When the digestive system is examined, it is seen that almost all the organs of this system are tubular. The esophagus, intestines, these are all organs in the form of thin long pipes. The stomach, which is an exception in this system, is not tubular but sac-shaped so that it can receive more food and create a store.
A large part of the stomach is irreversibly removed by surgery and the continuation of the esophagus and making it a system that continues with the intestines is a sleeve gastrectomy surgery. A tube is not inserted into the stomach. Since the shape of the stomach is similar to the tube shape, it is called gastric sleeve.

Gastric Bypass

Gastric bypass procedures are a group of similar operations used to treat morbid obesity, which consists of excessive accumulation of excess weight in the body in the form of adipose tissue and leads to serious health problems. Bariatric surgery is a general term that encompasses not only gastric bypass but all other surgical morbid obesity treatments. In gastric bypass, the stomach is first divided into a small upper section and a larger lower section, called a wider, “remnant”.

Gastric Balloon

Individuals with weight problems usually look for the remedy in different methods. Gastric balloon is one of these methods. Because obesity, one of the most common health problems of today, adversely affects the lives of many people. People with obesity may have health problems such as cardiovascular diseases, endocrine and other system diseases, difficulty in moving (or even not being able to move at all). These health problems greatly reduce the quality of life of people.

Before Bariatric Surgery

Before bariatric surgery, your doctor examines you in detail and performs some tests to understand whether you are suitable for this operation. As a result of these, if everything is normal, the day of surgery is decided. In addition to these, body analysis is performed. Body analysis is an examination application where details related to the person’s current body values can be learned. The information received is of great importance because it shapes nutritional support before bariatric surgery.

In order to be operated, it is necessary to prepare for the surgical operation by losing a certain amount of weight. Nutritional support before bariatric surgery comes into play here. The main purpose of nutritional support before bariatric surgery is to achieve weight loss from fat mass. Thus, first of all, the risk of surgical complications decreases. Moreover, the post-surgical period is somewhat relieved. At this point, each weight lost will facilitate the surgical intervention to be performed and will reflect positively on the healing speed.

After Bariatric Surgery

After surgery, the decreasing stomach volume and stomach digestive capacity require the patient to be followed up with a special nutrition program. During the first 2 weeks after surgery, the diet should be provided with liquid drinks with a certain calorie content per milliliter and in the following weeks, the diet should be continued with liquid-flowing solid foods that will not create a protein deficit. The daily calorie and nutrient needs of the person should be calculated by a dietitian specialized in obesity surgery and a nutrition program should be established in a way that will not disrupt the general health and will not cause any disease due to nutrient deficiency.

You can also do simple exercises after 1 month. In cases where exercise is performed, sagging in the body will be less and muscle mass will be preserved. At the same time, exercises allow the person to regain self-confidence, be happier and return to life more quickly. Therefore, the patient should carry out the exercise program in coordination with the diet.

Bariatric Surgery Process



Durata tratamentului

2-3 Hours

Sejur în Istanbul

3 Days

Social acceptabil

5 Day

Bariatric Surgery Cost in Turkey

Gastric Bypass
Începând de la
Gastric Sleeve
Începând de la
Gastric Balloon
All inclusive package
  • Consultație gratuită
  • 3 nopți la un hotel de 5 stele în Istanbul
  • Testarea pre/post-operatorie
  • Costul pentru laborator
  • Medicamente și echipamente
  • Transfer VIP complet
  • Suport 7/24
  • Asistenții vorbesc limba engleză

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Bariatric Surgery in Turkey FAQ

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Before rhinoplasty, patients do not need to make any preliminary preparations. The blood tests requested before the operation are performed in the hospital on the morning of the operation, together with the anesthesia examination. Apart from this, MRI or tomography or X-ray films are not necessary before rhinoplasty.

For the post-consultation process, 7 days will be enough for the recovery. If you feel comfortable after the 24-hours process, you can spend your time with the cultural and historical structure of Istanbul.

Rhinoplasty operation is safe and affordable in Turkey. Turkey is one of the countries which cares most about medicine science. That is why, the specialists and the medical staff in Turkey are well-educated and experienced.

A variety of different medical treatments are referred to as "nose jobs" in the general sense. The two most common ones are rhinoplasty, which deals with the nose's appearance on the outside, and septoplasty, which concentrates on inside problems.

The procedure is generally taking 1.5 to 3 hours.

Pain, swelling, bruising, bleeding, numbness, infection are the most common side effects of the rhinoplasty procedures. As you recover, the symptoms will be lost.

An open operation involves making an incision across the columella, the tiny strip of tissue that divides the nostrils, as opposed to a closed surgery, which the incisions are concealed inside the nose.

The specialists say the best age for rhinoplasty is between the ages 16 to 35. Before or after this age, there would be more complications.

Sneezing or blowing your nose might cause bleeding, edema, or bruises. Depending on how hard you sneeze, cartilage or bone may also move and obstruct the work of your facial plastic surgeon. After surgery, this restriction is often in place for a few weeks.

There would be a dull pain at the first night. But generally, patients report that there is a discomfort rather than pain.

It is possible for you to stay in the hospital for 1-2 days to watch any complications, if happens.

After rhinoplasty surgery, laying on your back in an elevated position helps reduce swelling and congestion. You can try a wedge pillow or sleep in a recliner to get the appropriate angle. To avoid a nasal injury, make sure to temporarily remove any pets from your sleeping area.